Springerdoodle Hybrid Genetics
F1 Springerdoodle = Springer Spaniel X Poodle
(50% Springer -- 50% Poodle)
The first generation F1 Springerdoodle is produced by crossing a Poodle (Miniature or Toy) with a Springer Spaniel. At Pleasant Meadows, we ONLY use a Miniature Poodle as they are well known for being healthier than the Toy Poodle. The F1 Spingerdoodle is low shedding and it is suitable for most families with MILD to SEMI-MODERATE allergies. Most F1 Springerdoodles will have loose wavy gorgeous curls, but tight curls are possible as well. Puppies will not typically have straight hair with this cross. Although, it's important to note that most F1 Springerdoodle will start out as newborns puppies with the appearance of straight fur and their waves and curls develop as they mature. Their appearance can range from Springer features or those of the Poodle or somewhere in-between. The first generation benefits the most from hybrid vigour.

F1B Springerdoodle = F1 Springerdoodle X Poodle
(25% Springer -- 75% Poodle)
The back-cross F1B Springerdoodle is produced by crossing an F1 Springerdoodle with a Poodle. F1B Springerdoodles that are the result of an F1 Springerdoodle and Poodle parents and will have a higher success rate for non-shedding and are recommended for families with MODERATE to SEVERE allergies. Tighter curls are more predominant in this type of F1B Springerdoodle, but looser curls and straighter coats more like the F1 do show up as well. Their appearance will lean more towards the Poodle features, but again, Springer features can be present.

Multigen Double Spoodle = F1 Springerdoodle X Multigen Cavapoo
(31.25% Springer -- 50% Poodle -- 18.75% Cavalier)
The Multigen Double Spoodle is our coined term for the "Double Doodle" which is commonly a cross between the Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle, but it can be done with any hybrid mixture. A Double Doodle is the fusion of two hybrids with complementing attributes bred together to create a new hybrid with more hybrid vigour. At Pleasant Meadows we call it the "Double Spoodle" because of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is in the mixture. We will create the Double Spoodle by crossing an F1 Springerdoodle with an F4 Cavapoo, thus making it Multigen because our Cavapoo stud, Arlo, is a Multigen Cavapoo. They will be low to non-shedding and will have a higher success rate for non-shedding and are recommended for families with MODERATE to SEVERE allergies. Their appearance will be most like the F1 Springerdoodle with wavy to loose wavy curls. The benefit of such a cross is that they are "second best" for retaining hybrid vigour.

Generations Explained!
What do all those letters and numbers mean?
The different types of Brittanydoodles are according to the mix between
the Brittany and the Miniature Poodle. Here is a breakdown:
The "F" in F1, F2, etc. stands for "Filial" which means son/daughter/offspring -- this term refers to all hybrid dogs (like the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, Brittanydoodle, Springerdoodle, Cockapoo, Cavapoo, etc, etc.) And the numbers are according to the generation.
F1 = 1st generation. (50% Springer -- 50% Poodle) This is a Springer crossed with a Poodle.
F1B = 1st generation backcross. (25% Springer -- 75% Poodle) This is an F1 Springerdoodle crossed back (referring to the "B") to either a purebred Springer or a purebred Poodle.
F2 = 2nd generation. (50% Springer -- 50% Poodle) This is an F1 Springerdoodle crossed with another F1 Springerdoodle. The percentage of Springer and Poodle remain the same because each F1 Springerdoodle parent is a 50/50 mix between the two breeds so the ratio does not change.
F2B = 2nd generation backcross. (37.5% Springer -- 62.5% Poodle) This is an F1 or F2 Springerdoodle crossed back (referring to the "B") to an F1B Springerdoodle.
F3 or higher = multi-generation. (approximately 43-45% Springer -- 55-57% Poodle depending on the exact mix). A Multigen Springerdoodle is any Springerdoodle that is 3 or more generations and this type of Springerdoodle and can be created many different ways to achieve the multigen Springerdoodle.
At Pleasant Meadows, we don't have plans at this time (2021) to breed anything further than the types of Springerdoodles listed above (F1, F1B, and the Multigen Double Spoodle), and if that changes we will updates this page.
The different types go on and on all the way up to F10's which by the time you breed 9 generations of any hybrid, it becomes an actual breed and not just a cross between two dogs. However, most Springerdoodles (and any other type of Doodle) are simply referred to as "Multigen" after the 3rd generation.
Height and Weight for the Springerdoodle
Below you can see the typical height and weight variations in the Springerdoodle! At this time, since our first Springerdoodle litter won't be until 2022, we can only give an approximate height and weight based on the Springer and the Poodle.
English Springer Spaniel
Show Height: 17-21 inches Field Height: 16-20 inches
Show Weight: 30-50 pounds Field Weight: 25-45 pounds
Moyen & Standard Poodle
Height: 10-15 inches
Weight: 10-15 pounds
Many Field Springers are typically on the smaller side in the 25-35 pound range, and there is a huge difference between Show Springers and Field Springers. Our lines come from a mixture of Show (also called Bench) and Field lines which gives our Springer Spaniels diversity in their gene pool, and it keeps the size smaller. The Show Springer is only bred to run around the show ring and to "look pretty" and the Field Springer is bred for hunting, and by combining the two lines there is better health, smaller size, and they are more versatile dog as a companion.
Below images are from Google and Pleasant Meadows takes no claim to their content:

"Liver & White"
"Liver Tri"
"Black Tri"
"Black & White"
"Liver Roan"
There is also the "Black Roan", "Black Tri Roan", "Liver Tri Roan", and the "Sable" English Springer Spaniel colours, but sourcing a photo of them on Google has proven to be difficult.
We anticipate that our Springerdoodle puppies will be
Liver, Black, Tri, Sable, and Roan.
More colours may be possible depending on the Poodle that is bred to the Springer. All of the colour possibilities can be either:
PARTI (white with patches)
ABSTRACT (mostly solid with white on any or all of the face, chest, paws, or tail)
SOLID (no white)
We will add some of our own photos as soon as possible!
Your Springerdoodle's coat will change a lot in the first couple years of his/her life! All puppies are born with a "puppy coat" that usually sheds out within the first year. This includes every breed of dog out there, even Poodles and other low to non-shedding breeds. It is a normal process of your puppy maturing, and it is unavoidable, but the amount of shedding will depend on your puppy's individual fur type. Some puppies will start to shed their puppy coat as early as 5 months of age and as late as 12 months of age. Clipping your puppy's coat prior to 6 months of age can drastically alter this process, but it is not harmful to do so. No matter what time your puppy receives his/her first haircut -- the fur will grow back thicker and more curly like an adult coat. Do not judge "puppy shedding" on whether or not your puppy is hypoallergenic or not -- every breed of dog goes through this process. You may need to brush your puppy a little more often during that time-frame or give an additional bath or two, but your puppy will be low to non-shedding depending on your puppy's exact mixture of Springer and Poodle!
The Springerdoodle is typically very low shedding in the first generation, but there is always a higher success rate as more Poodle is mixed in!
We will be able to add photos of our own Springerdoodles for your reference to coat type after the fall of 2022 to the Spring of 2023 when our Springer, Zulie, is anticipated to have her first litter.
The History of the
History: The history of the Springerdoodle involves two breeds -- the English Springer Spaniel and the Poodle, and so we will take a look at both breeds in all of the information below. Histories hint that dogs of the Spaniel type have populated the civilized world for many centuries. The Spaniel is thought to have originated in Spain and was perhaps introduced to ancient Britons by the Roman legions. The Spaniel was known in pre-Christian Britain, and is mentioned by name in an ancient law of Wales as early as 300 AD. Prints and paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries show dogs of similar type to today's English Springer Spaniel, some with docked tails. The dog was used to spring (flush) or start game, both feathered and fur bearing, for hawks, coursing hounds, and nets. The invention of the wheel lock firearm in the 17th century made "flying shooting" possible, and the Spaniel was highly successful at flushing game for this style of hunting.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th century in Britain, smaller dogs in the same litter would be used to hunt woodcock; they were called "cockers." Larger littermates, used to flush (or "spring") game, were called "Springers." The Sporting Spaniel Society of Britain decided upon the name "Springer" in 1902.
The first English Springer Spaniel in North America of traceable lineage was imported from England to Canada in 1913. In little more than a decade, the breed had risen from the ranks of the unknown to become numbered among the most popular of the breeds eligible for American Kennel Club registration. Early importers and breeders were both careful and selective in their breeding practices, and many field trialers enjoyed exhibiting their Springers in conformation competition. The English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association, the parent club of the breed in the United States, was founded in 1924. In those days, dogs might emerge from a day of heavy field work to be presented in conformation competition the next day.
"Dual type" Springers - those capable of competing in both conformation and field trial competition - became a part of history by the early 1940's, when the last dual championship was earned. Field trial enthusiasts began selecting those qualities in their dogs which produced top caliber performance, while the show-minded endeavored just as earnestly to breed dogs consistent with the breed's written standard, successful as conformation competitors.
The true beauty of the English Springer Spaniel can be found in its original purpose, that of a companion gundog. The diverse appearance of today's show and field bred Springers is due to specialization, and to the choices breeders make to achieve success in their endeavors. Competitive field trial Springers are the ultimate in athleticism and performance. Competitive conformation Springers are breathtaking examples of breed type, soundness, and symmetry. The Poodle is the national dog of France, and the French sure do love their Poodles. There is, however, no such breed as the “French Poodle.” In France, Poodles are known as the Caniche, or “duck dog.”
Despite the Poodle’s association with France, the breed originated as a duck hunter in Germany, where the word “pudelin” refers to splashing in water. The Standard Poodle began its development as a retrieving water dog more than 400 years ago. With a crisp, curly coat as protection against the elements, superlative swimming ability, and off-the-charts intelligence, the Poodle was, and still is, a magnificent retriever. (The Standard and Miniature varieties are classified as a non-sporting dog and are eligible for AKC Retriever and Spaniel Hunting Tests).
The flamboyant Poodle show coat served a practical purpose in the breed’s early years. Hunters wanted their dogs to have free range of movement in the water, but they also wished to protect vital areas of the anatomy from the cold. They shaved the legs, neck, and tail but left the chest, hips, and leg joints coated. The rounded tufts on the legs, hips, and tail tip are called pompons. (Note the spelling: Cheerleaders have pom-poms; Poodles have pompons.)
The Poodle’s many fine qualities allowed it to move from the lake to the lap of luxury. Elegant Poodles of the Standard and Miniature varieties found favor among the nobles of France and, eventually, all of Europe. The breed’s showy looks and trainability made it a natural entertainer, and Poodles have long been associated with the European circus tradition. An excellent nose brought the Poodle additional work as a truffle hunter.
The Standard was bred down to the Miniature. The Toy was first bred in America, in the early 20th century, as a city-dwelling companion dog. Well-bred specimens of each variety are exact replicas of each other and are bred to the same standard.
Temperament & Traits: It is very easy to see why the English Springer Spaniel is a favorite breed amongst families. They adapt very well to any household setting because the English Springer Spaniel personality is also extremely affectionate to both family members and strangers. At the end of the day, the English Springer Spaniel will be the happiest when they get attention from their human companions. Whether you are enjoying an outdoor adventure, or watching a movie on the couch, expect your Springer to accompany you in whatever you are doing. In order to have a well-tempered canine, make sure to socialize them with as many people, places, and experiences during puppyhood. This will help them feel more comfortable with other humans and animals later on in life. If a Spaniel is not properly trained, they may become timid or shy with people that are unfamiliar. An important note to remember about a Spaniel is their need for human companionship. This is not the type of breed that is content with spending hours by themselves. In fact, when an English Springer Spaniel is left alone for too long, they are at a high risk for developing separation anxiety or depression. In order to prevent this from happening, make sure to allot a sufficient amount of time each day for your dog.
Poodles thrive on positive reinforcement, praise, and physical attention. However, they are very sensitive dogs and should not be spoken to in a harsh tone. Poodles are quite smart and can easily pick up on the mood of their owners. Because of their traditionally noticeable haircuts and distinct canine grooming routine, some people assume that Poodles are fragile, indoor creatures. However, they are actually active, outgoing, friendly dogs who love to run, romp, and play. Furthermore, Poodles were originally used to help hunt waterfowl so they make excellent watchdogs. This breed is alert and curious and will alarm their owners when a person or animal is approaching. Poodles make an excellent choice for families of all sizes and ages and are great breed for first time dog owners. They are true family dogs who can play hard with children all afternoon, then curl up in the living room for an evening of relaxation. The intelligence and empathetic personalities give them a natural ability to make wonderful pets and therapy and service dogs. Poodle are often used to engage with people while visiting with people in schools, nursing homes, and hospitals.
Trainability: Training an English Springer Spaniel is an enjoyable experience for both the dog and the owner. Between their high intelligence and strong desire to please their owners, this breed takes very well to their owner’s training efforts. Just like with any other breed, persistence is key when training your dog. Never use harsh training tactics to get your dog to obey you. The English Springer Spaniel is especially sensitive and will become emotionally distressed if they sense their owner is mad at them. Using positive reinforcement is the best way to encourage your dog. Obedient, affectionate, and athletic -- the English Springer Spaniel is consistently a family favorite.
Poodles are highly trainable. They pick up on patterns quickly and don’t require very much motivation or reward beyond treats. They are natural learners making for rewarding canine training sessions for both themselves and their owners. Compared to many other dog breeds, housetraining is typically a breeze for Poodles. Once basic obedience is achieved, a Poodle is ready to graduate to advanced obedience, trick training, or agility courses. Poodles are known for their intelligence and excel naturally in agility competitions. They love to learn and want to please their owners. You can teach your pup to pick up the newspaper and bring you your slippers. They appreciate any opportunity to learn..
Male VS Female: Coming soon!