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The Nursery

Where puppy dreams really do come true!

Current Litters:

Current Litters:

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Majorie -- July 2024 -20.jpg


  August 7th  

Leo -- June 2024 -9.jpg


Marjorie Jewel    &    Leo Rohan

These puppies are MINIATURE POODLES!
(non-shedding and suitable for severe allergies)
 Small enough for travel in the cabin of an airplane! Sweet and cheery temperaments that are sure to make you smile! 

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 These puppies are CAVAPOOS! 
 Their fur-type will be *non-shedding* and *suitable for severe allergies*! 
 Many of Arlo's puppies have gone on to do therapy and service dog work in various capacities! 

Florence Elyse   &   Arlo Nicholas

Florence -- June 2024.jpg


  August 7th  

Arlo -- November 2023 -8.jpg

Coming Up Next:

Coming Up Next:

Adley Anaya  &  Leo Rohan

Adley -- May 2024 -2.jpg
Leo -- June 2024 -9.jpg

     LIST FULL pending LITTER SIZE!     

These parents will produce Mini BRITTANYPOOS!
(low to non-shedding and suitable for mild to moderate allergies)

Vera and Leo's 2024 Brittanypoos -- 8 we

The Brittanypoo photo is an example of puppies from Adley's mom, Vera. We anticipate that Adley's puppies with Leo will look nearly identical to her mom's puppies!

Please fill out our   Puppy Application   to inquire about our current or any upcoming litters. 

We will take names for waiting lists up to 1 year in advance to ensure that we have good homes lined up for our puppies.

We will have more litters in the future, so if you don't see what you are looking for in a litter, please contact us to see what we have coming up within the next year!

Our waiting lists are designed so that each one of our females completely skips over one whole heat cycle to allow rest. Taking into account each female's natural fluctuations of their heat cycles, our females are typically only bred ONCE per year or after their next skipped cycle which will typically give a minimum of 10-12 months between litters after skipping one cycle.  Occasionally, a female will cycle more often, and it's not always safe for the female to skip two cycles in a row, as that can put them at a higher risk for pyometra (infection of the uterus) which happens when a female dog's uterus isn't cleaned out -- cleaning of the uterus is something that naturally occurs during the birthing process and at no other time.

Our females are not bred past their 6th year, and many retire much earlier, each female is different and needs to be treated accordingly.  All breeding is done through veterinary advisement and approval, there are NO exceptions on this matter!  We will in most cases skip a cycle between litters to allow 10-12 months rest for the well-being of each of our females!  It is very important to us that our girls are able to rest and rejuvenate between litters and to simply have time to "be a dog"!  And we also reserve the right to not breed a particular female even if a litter is planned if we don't feel that a female has COMPLETELY recovered from her previous pregnancy in weight and overall health.  Our dogs are cherished family members first and foremost!

We raise the Cavapoo, as per the ethical breeding practices based on trials and studies done on minimizing the genetic defects in dogs through breeding strategies from the scientists at the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institut from their recommendations which have reviewed the various approaches to minimize potential defects in dogs, and especially for breeds like the *purebred* Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the need for out-crossing to unrelated dogs for diversity and health, while still maintaining a family line  to retain predictability of traits, and sustainability of health and type.  The Roslin Institute's review is published in Canine Genetics and Epidemiology.  You can read more on the link box below:

Future Plans:

Future Plans:


Maewyn Serenity    &    Reuben Gilroy

Maewyn -- May 2024 -2.jpg

     AVAILABLE space on THIS LIST!     

These parents will produce CAVAPOOS!
(non-shedding and suitable for moderate to severe allergies)

Maewyn and Reuben 2024 Cavapoos -- 8 wee

Photo example of Maewyn's and Reuben's previous litter together!

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For choosing time at 5-6 weeks of age, we now offer Skype Video Calls to help families choose their puppy! A lot of families kept requesting Skype calls and so we finally gave it a try with our spring litters and it was a roaring success! You can easily view the puppies, see where they have been raised, and see the parents in their true relaxed form.  We found that families were able to choose quickly, easily, and decisively based upon the temperament of the available puppies, and the additional information we provide about each one.  Often families have a hard time choosing in person because it can be a little bit overwhelming with all the cute puppies around. This can make the process drawn out and the mom and puppies can get stressed from all the activity.  We are hoping that a good majority of our families will take advantage of the usefulness of Skype. As a side note, taking advantage of Skype can also save families the exasperation of inching through Toronto traffic and spending anywhere from 6-10 hours away from home (including traffic and visit time).

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While Skyping with us to view the puppies, please be sure to hit the VIDEO button when you answer our call (as indicated in the red box)!  This allows us to see you at the same that you see us and the puppies!  This really helps us to see your reactions to specific puppies for helping to match you to the right puppy and to be able to meet "face to face" is preferred and helps make the Skype call a little more interactive!  Thank you!

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