Use of any images of our dogs, puppies, or original breed-related subject matter from this website without our permission will result in legal action being taken. Zero tolerance for downloading, saving, or taking screenshots!
Quotes from trainers, veterinarians, and other dog experts are clearly marked as their expressions and Pleasant Meadows takes to
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Disclaimer: Pleasant Meadows has a "broad" watermark placed on our website to keep our images from being stolen. Pleasant Meadows takes NO CLAIM to any jpeg images, GIFs, PNGs, or clipart of any kind that was sourced on Google. Pleasant Meadows will happily give credit to the original artists, photographers, animators, or companies if their names become known to us.
Raising quality Cavapoos in Central Ontario.
4.5 hours from London ~ 2 hrs from Toronto ~ 2.5 hrs from Barrie ~ 2.5 hrs from Oshawa ~ 1 hr & 50 minutes from Belleville ~ 2.5 hrs from Kingston ~ 2.5 hrs from Ottawa ~