The Nursery
Where puppy dreams really do come true!
Current Litters:
Current Litters:
Please fill out our Puppy Application if you want your name placed on any current or upcoming waiting lists.
(Click Link Box Above)
We will take names for waiting lists up to 1 year in advance to ensure that we have good homes lined up for our puppies.
We will have more litters in the future, so if you don't see what you are looking for in a litter, please contact us to see what we have coming up within the next year!
Our waiting lists are designed so that each one of our females completely skips over one whole heat cycle to allow rest. Taking into account each female's natural fluctuations of their heat cycles, our females are typically only bred ONCE per year or after their next skipped cycle which will typically give a minimum of 10-12 months between litters after skipping one cycle. Occasionally, a female will cycle more often, and it's not always safe for the female to skip two cycles in a row, as that can put them at a higher risk for pyometra (infection of the uterus) which happens when a female dog's uterus isn't cleaned out -- cleaning of the uterus is something that naturally occurs during the birthing process and at no other time.
Our females are not bred past their 6th year, and many retire much earlier, each female is different and needs to be treated accordingly. All breeding is done through veterinary advisement and approval, there are NO exceptions on this matter! We will in most cases skip a cycle between litters to allow 10-12 months rest for the well-being of each of our females! It is very important to us that our girls are able to rest and rejuvenate between litters and to simply have time to "be a dog"! And we also reserve the right to not breed a particular female even if a litter is planned if we don't feel that a female has COMPLETELY recovered from her previous pregnancy in weight and overall health. Our dogs are cherished family members first and foremost!