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Appointment Scheduling

With relaxed restrictions, at this time, our only requirement is mask wearing as the puppies are often viewed indoors and COVID is still circulating.
We take all possible precautions for cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces in the puppy viewing area with Lysol and other disinfectants said to kill the COVID virus.
Please be respectful and do NOT visit in-person if you are sick or have been exposed to anyone that is sick. We have the option of Skype Video Calls in the event that a family or individual can't visit for any reason.
When we send you an e-mail to announce the birth of the litter on the waiting list where your name is placed -- we will include the dates when the puppies turn 5 weeks of age, and when they turn 8 weeks of age so that you will know the timeline for the litter and so that we can schedule a choosing-your-puppy date and the puppy-pick-up date. The deposit is due within 24 hours of the Birth Announcement of the puppies which secures your position for the opportunity to choose a puppy at 5-6 weeks of age. At birth we will schedule you for a visit in person or Skype Video Call in the order in which your name is on the waiting list and give you the puppy-pick-up-date(s) for when the puppies turn 8 weeks of age. If you personally decide to change the choosing-your-puppy-appointment date/time we will move your name to the bottom of the list as your decision to change the date/time will disrupt the other families on the list expecting to choose a puppy on their scheduled date/time. At the time of scheduling, please, mark your appointment date and time on your calendar! You will have anywhere from 5-6 weeks to clear your schedule for your appointment.
We do expect that families arriving to choose their puppy or pick up their puppy to arrive on time. It is especially important for the choosing a puppy appointment that families arrive on time as we schedule families so that they are spaced a minimum of an hour apart to give our puppies the "down time" they need between visitors to either sleep, eat, or just relax! Puppies need up to 18 hours of sleep per day and if someone is late for their appointment it will interfere with how active the puppies are for the next family arriving to choose a puppy! If the puppies are too tired to interact, it will not allow families to see the puppies energy level and it's harmful to the puppies if they cannot get the required amount of sleep/down time.
When we schedule families for visitation, we will either schedule you for a single family visit or for a double family visit (two families at the same time) and the allotted visitation time is up to 1 hour maximum. Our puppies will be given a minimum of an hour break before the next family is scheduled to arrive. Our puppies MUST have that minimum of an hour between visitors. If you arrive late -- your visitation time will be shortened and will not exceed your original allotted hour appointment. If you are more than 30 minutes late (ie. 35 minutes, 40 minutes, 45 minutes late, etc....), you will be rescheduled either later that day after all other scheduled appointments have concluded and the puppies have had 1 hour at minimum to rest, or you will have to be scheduled for another day. This naturally bumps you out of your position on the waiting list to perhaps choose a puppy later down the list or maybe even last on the list -- but that's the consequence of not arriving on time!
We're not asking anything unreasonable -- if we were any other type of business, you would also be expected to arrive on time for your appointment or need to be re-scheduled for a later time or date! Leave on time, or early if you are concerned you might be late, and come for your appointment time! And this also includes not arriving early because that too will infringe on the puppies down time between visitors. There is a local Tim Hortons, as well as Woody Burger & Pizzeria, Station Restaurant, Havelock Garden Chinese & Canadian Food, and a Planet Pita. If you are going to be early, please treat yourself to a coffee, snack, or meal! We are considerate of unexpected traffic delays and/or weather delays, but please call or e-mail if you are going to be late! We cannot guarantee that we will be able to keep you in the same time slot depending on how late you will be, however, we ask that you at least respectfully let us know so that we can be prepared to shift around the day. Please also read our Courtesy & Common Sense page for more details.
All puppies must be picked up on the day that they turn 8 weeks of age OR the closest correlating weekend to be determined by Pleasant Meadows based on when the puppies will be ready to go! Puppy Pick Ups will be at 11:00 AM and/or 2:00 PM on the day that the puppies turn 8 weeks of age and/or the closest correlating weekend (to be determined by Pleasant Meadows).
To give our puppies the best possible start in their new homes, we offer an exclusive online "Taking Puppy Home Instructional" on our website that covers a wide range of puppy care and training tips that will help your puppy make a smooth transition into your home and give you a solid base for training your puppy. A link to the "Taking Puppy Home Instructional" will be given to you when the puppies are 2 weeks old which will allow families to review the instructional over the course of 6 full weeks in preparation for when the puppies turn 8 weeks of age and/or the closest correlating weekend (again, to be determined by Pleasant Meadows).
Feedback from previous puppy customers confirms that the "Taking Puppy Home Instructional" is beneficial in providing confidence for the new owners in the care and initial training of their puppy. And by having the instructional online it not only allows us to "go green" and send puppy owners home with less paper in their Puppy Starter Kits, but it allows new puppy owners to access the instructional from the comfort of their own homes prior to taking their puppy home (which permits them to prepare) and they can refer back to it whenever necessary!
A $15 per day boarding fee will be applied to your puppy's price if you do not come to pick up your puppy on the day that the litter turns 8 weeks OR the closest correlating weekend (determined by Pleasant Meadows). And if you do not pick up your puppy by 9 weeks of age, you forfeit all rights to the puppy and the said puppy will be offered to the next interested family. As outlined on the Puppy Purchase Agreement, Puppy Prices page, as well as, the Waiting List Procedures page, your initial $100 reservation fee and deposit of $700 placed at birth is non-refundable. Should your puppy NOT be picked up by 9 weeks of age you forfeit your puppy, and the holding fee and any additional payments made by the Buyer will not be refunded until after the said puppy has been purchased/paid in full by a new prospective family.
We ask that you please come at your scheduled appointment time for choosing-your-puppy and puppy-pick-up day -- not early or not late! Please refer to the Courtesy & Common Sense page, as well as, the Visitation Procedures page! Thank you!
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